About the College of Applied Engineering
The College of Applied Engineering in Al-Muzahimiyah was established as part of King Saud University colleges, following the directive of the Ministry of Higher Education (at that time) in 1435 AH / 2013 AD. Three applied colleges were introduced:
- College of Applied Engineering
- College of Applied Computer Science
- College of Applied Business Administration
In 1439 AH / 2018 AD, Resolution No. (9/4/1439) was issued by the Interim Committee of the Higher Education Council in its 14th meeting, approving these colleges under King Saud University to award bachelor's degrees according to their respective specializations. The decision was made in response to a request from the University President (Ref. No. 427996/1/1) dated 4/11/1438 AH to the Minister of Education, seeking approval for these colleges following the graduation of the first cohort at the end of the first semester of the 1438/1439 AH academic year.
Current Academic Programs:
The college currently offers two bachelor's degree programs:
- Applied Electrical Engineering
- Applied Mechanical Engineering
Achievements and Statistics:
- First Graduating Class: End of the first semester of the 1438/1439 AH academic year.
- Total Graduates to Date: 264 students over six cohorts.
- Employment Rate: Approximately 75%, according to reports from the university's Alumni Center.